A Vancouver Island moment as the sun sets on another island summer.

"1951::Summer's End in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia"
Photo Clip: Times Colonist (1951) Victoria, British Columbia
Photographer: Unknown
Sometimes a photo tells the story on its own.

"1939::Brentwood Bay Fishing Derby"
Photo Clip: Victoria Daily Times (1939)
Victoria, British Columbia
In the 1930s, a Fishing Derby in the Saanich Inlet off Brentwood Bay was just as much part of summer as the summer sun. Angler's flocked to Brentwood Bay in the weeks leading up to the event and anxiously waited for the starting gun to fire. First Prize for the winning fish was a 15 foot boat with an air-cooled inboard engine.

"No Catch-and-Release"
Photo Clip: Victoria Daily Times (1939)
Victoria, British Columbia
The Victoria-Saanich Inlet Angler's Association (VSIAA) who ran the summer fishing derby in the 1930s would ask that any fish caught be kept so that they could be donated to Victoria's local orphanage, the senior homes, hospitals and local charities.

"Best Catch by a Woman"
Clip: The Leader-Post (1935)
Regina, Saskatchewan
It wasn't unusual for women and children to get involved in Vancouver Island derbies. Prizes may not have been as grand as the men's, but the glory was just as great. Ms. Esther McMorran of Winnipeg proudly displayed her 26-pound winning catch for the camera. She caught the monster salmon completely unaided during the Saanich Inlet's 1935 derby.