High-end McLaughlin automobiles arrived in British Columbia.
"1912::McLaughlin Carriage Company at 1219 Georgia Street in Vancouver, British Columbia"
Photo: Vancouver Archives (AM1535-: CVA 99-5178)
In 1912, a mere thirteen years after the first horseless carriage graced its streets, the vibrant city of Vancouver welcomed the McLaughlin Carriage Company to their new store on Georgia Street. Designed to be Canada's most impressive showroom, it quickly became a bustling hub, employing 20 men full-time, 24 hours a day, and stocked with parts for all its car models and a full line of auto repair supplies for its customers. But the showroom's luxurious setting truly set it apart, boasting 18-foot ceilings and even a private powder room for the ladies.
"1912::Advertisement for the McLaughlin Dealership on Broad Street in Victoria, British Columbia"
Clip: Victoria Daily Times (1912)
Victoria, British Columbia
McLaughlin was one of Canada's first automobile manufacturing companies, producing some of North America's finest vehicles. In 1908, their name became famous on the West Coast after a new owner drove his McLaughlin Buick 1,400 miles to claim the honour of being the first motorized vehicle to enter Quesnel and Lillooet in the northern reaches of British Columbia.
"When better cars are made, McLaughlin Buick will build them." - McLaughlin Motor Company, 1908
"1912::Used Roadster de Luxe For Sale in Victoria, British Columbia"
Clip: Victoria Daily Times (1912)
Victoria, British Columbia
The McLaughlin Buick line of 1912 included two—or five-passenger Roadsters that could handle steep hills. Muddy, sandy, or rough roads held no terrors for them. They were strong, hardy, and rugged but neat with handsome body lines. They held up under the most demanding usage while offering their riders safety, luxury, and silence.